Although the first snow of this winter already arrived last month, today was the first day that had accumulated snows. The temperature dropped so significantly in just few days, and the snows have turned ice in the evening. People said the cold weather arrived too early this year.
Am I excited about the snows? Unfortunately, no. I have seen enough before in other countries, and it’s extremely inconvenient to walk on the streets. News has reported that some people slipped on the ice. I truly feel Seoul is the coldest place where I have lived. I am not sure if I can survive through Korea’s severe and long winter (from November to March) as I feel I have a cold everyday.
By the government’s regulation, the heating system in the office building cannot be turned above 20ºC. Even I put on a sweater, I still feel freezing in the office. January is the coldest month. I think I need to get more winter clothes for that challenge.