My name is Vincent. I was born and grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. My family moved several times in Taipei when I was a student. When my parents finally bought an apartment after I completed my military service, I started to move around the world by myself.
In the last year of my undergraduate, I went to the University of Western Ontario, Canada as an exchange student. After the military service and two years of working in Taipei, I went studying abroad in the University of Twente, the Netherlands, for a two-year master degree program. I continued my study in a Ph.D. program (but ended up with a master degree) in Boston University, U.S.A. for another 2 years. After the completion of my study, I went back to Taiwan and worked for two companies in two years. Since 2009, I started my employments in Hong Kong and South Korea: 2009-2011 in Hong Kong, 2012-2015 in Seoul, 2016-2018 in Hong Kong, and 2018-2020 in Seoul. Since the COVID-19 breakout in 2020, I returned to my country, Taiwan, and began my actuarial consulting business. In 2022, I went back to South Korea again and worked as a contractor in a project for a client who later hired me. In October 2023, I got the residence visa in Korea and started my own actuarial consulting firm there. Currently I am doing projects in Korea and Taiwan.
With such an unstable life, I’ve got many opportunities to travel around the world. This website serves as a documentary blog of the journey of my life. I am happy to share what and how I see the world through the identities of a tourist, a student, an alien residence, and an office worker.