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Alice’s Wonderland 愛麗絲夢遊仙境

The mini blog of my sweet niece, Alice 我姪女愛麗絲的迷你部落格


Three months ago, my uncle Vincent left for Boston, USA to continue his study. All my family went to the airport with him. I miss… Read More »Airport

Gifts from Aunt

My aunt brought the Japanese clothes and the Disney Minnie’s “ears” for me from her trip to Japan in early August. I am very happy… Read More »Gifts from Aunt


The weather is so hot recently. I feel it like summer. How’s your weather there, my readers? Wish all of you a nice beautiful joyful… Read More »Hot


My grandma plans to bring me to USA to visit my uncle Vincent, but my mom says I’m too young to take a long trip.… Read More »Trip

My precious one

This is a nice song performed by my uncle Vincent’s favorite singer Celine Dion and written by Peer Astrom & Stephanie Bentley, produced by David Foster. Indeed, I’m the precious one for everybody!Read More »My precious one


Well, after playing all day, I have to admit that sometimes I do feel tired. But after a nap, my energy comes back fully again!… Read More »Tired…


Yes, the spring has come. But I still feel sleepy in the morning. I know I’m not a good baby who always goes to bed… Read More »Sleepy