Taiwan’s new constitution!
President Chen recently talked about making a new and suitable constitution for Taiwan. I sincerely hope this is not his electional language again. I’ve been… Read More »Taiwan’s new constitution!
President Chen recently talked about making a new and suitable constitution for Taiwan. I sincerely hope this is not his electional language again. I’ve been… Read More »Taiwan’s new constitution!
I was told that all colleagues from my first company know the news that I’m leaving for Boston for Ph.D. study. I was shocked by the speed of spreading such an unimportant news. People really like gossips, even about some small people.
Read More »Wonderful working time
My current feeling is like Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 K219: nervously waiting for an uncertainty in the future. With patience and hard working, then… Read More »Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 K219
I thought love always makes people happy, but now I know it sometimes also delivers pain. There must be something wrong with that kind of… Read More »Why does love contain pain?
What will you do if you’re into an unspeakable love? Keep it, or let it go? What will you do if you’re under an unspeakable… Read More »Unspeakable love
Joy comes very fast but stays short. Next time we can meet each other again will be in fall. The time seems never to run… Read More »Time and waiting
Boston does not have a real spring, in my opinion. At least this is not the spring which I’ve known from my country.
What does Easter mean to me? No idea, at least for this year.
Where are the kids? Trick or treat? Neither. The Halloween night is extremely quiet in my neighborhood. Maybe I should go asking my neighbors for candies.
Read More »Halloween
Another suicide bomb attack in Bali today. The terrorists are such cowards that they only dare to attack tourists instead of the politicians who they really hate. Why do those devils exist in the world? Why don’t they go to the hell with themselves?
Read More »Insane terrorists
I’m writting this entry in the lounge room at the airport. My family just left. How much I wish I could go home with them! I miss them so much!!!
Read More »Departing
Today is my last day in ING Antai. The 4.5 months is the best time of my working life. I met a wonderful boss and… Read More »Beautiful time
I finally can start preparing for my forthcoming study. When I look for the textbooks, I find out that mathematics plays a very important role in economics study. More precisely, we need mathematics to interpret the economic phenomenons. Economy looks like a mathematic game. It keeps creating new problems with the growth of population and the development of technology. Once we can find a mathematic method, we can at least “control” the problems. Indeed, “control”, but not “solve”.
Read More »Start preparation
After I came back from the Netherlands, I have totally different feeling about people in Taiwan. When I see babies and children, I hope they can live happily without any hurt or pain. I hope all of them can grow up in a beautiful place like a wonderland. When I see the seniors, I hope they can also live happily with no worry. I hope they have no regret for living in Taiwan for all of their lives. When I see couples, I hope they can love Taiwan as much as they love each other. I hope they can live happily together forever in Taiwan. When I see the young, I hope they can find their dreams in Taiwan. I hope they keep a hope for Taiwan’s future as well as their own futures.
Read More »A dream
Today (Tuesday, 19 July) is my grandpa’s 95th birthday anniversary. We bought two cakes to celebrate it. Many grandsons and granddaughters were there. Grandpa looked… Read More »Happy Birthday to Grandpa!