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Taiwan 台灣

My life in Taiwan 我在台灣的日子

Kaohsiung Marriott: Executive Grand Suite 高雄萬豪酒店:行政萬豪套房

入住日期:2021年10月 新開幕的高雄萬豪酒店給高雄市帶來豪華與驚艷的飯店體驗,這家飯店總共有700間客房和套房,內部大型健身房、室內泳池和水療區提供房客驚人的娛樂。我的訂房在套房券的加持被升等到「行政萬豪套房」,與行政酒廊同位於最高樓層33樓,這間套房非常寬大與舒適。 Stay date: October 2021 The newly opened Kaohsiung Marriott brings the luxurious and magnificent hotel experience to Kaohsiung City. The hotel has 700… Read More »Kaohsiung Marriott: Executive Grand Suite 高雄萬豪酒店:行政萬豪套房

Holiday Inn Express Taichung Park 台中公園智選假日飯店

入住日期:2021年10月 台中公園智選假日飯店是台中兩家智選假日飯店中的其中一間,也算是台灣IHG飯店中開業最久的飯店之一。很感謝我的房間被升等到有絕佳台中公園景色的高樓層角落房,飯店也贈送IHG優悅會至悅精英會員一籃多樣名產。 Stay date: October 2021 This is one of the two Holiday Inn Express hotels in Taichung, Taiwan. It is also one of the… Read More »Holiday Inn Express Taichung Park 台中公園智選假日飯店

Holiday Inn Express Taichung Fengchia 台中逢甲智選假日酒店

入住日期:2021年9月 2020年開幕的台中逢甲智選假日酒店是台中的第二間智選假日飯店,鄰近逢甲大學和有各式各樣小吃的逢甲夜市,飯店提供早餐、健身房以及洗衣間,服務人員非常親切有禮,令人印象深刻。 Stay date: September 2021 Opened in 2020, HIX Taichung Fengchia is one of the two Holiday Inn Express hotels in Taichung, Taiwan. It… Read More »Holiday Inn Express Taichung Fengchia 台中逢甲智選假日酒店

Fairfield by Marriott Taichung: Deluxe Larger Guest Room 台中萬楓酒店:尊榮客房一大床

入住日期:2021年9月 台中萬楓酒店於2018年12月開幕,為萬豪集團在台中的第一家品牌飯店。該飯店所有房價皆包含早餐。 Stay date: September 2021 Opened in December 2018, Fairfield by Marriott Taichung is the first Marriott hotel in Taichung, Taiwan. Breakfast is included… Read More »Fairfield by Marriott Taichung: Deluxe Larger Guest Room 台中萬楓酒店:尊榮客房一大床

Moxy Taichung: Superior Queen Guest Room 台中豐邑Moxy酒店:一大床高級房型

入住日期:2021年9月 於2020年開幕的台中豐邑Moxy酒店已成為台中受歡迎的打卡之處,現代又時髦的內裝有許多適合攝影的元素,頂樓酒吧提供不錯的市區景觀,然而房間卻有點小且簡單。 Stay date: September 2021 Opened in 2020, Moxy Taichung has been a popular Instagram check-in place in Taichung. The modern and stylish interior… Read More »Moxy Taichung: Superior Queen Guest Room 台中豐邑Moxy酒店:一大床高級房型

台灣人要反什麼? What is Taiwanese antipathy?

A Korean friend returned from his vacation in Taiwan last week. While waiting for the return flight at the airport, he met a young Korean girl who traveled in Taiwan by herself. She told my friend she had good time in her trip until she was asked to get off the taxi on the highway when the taxi driver found out she is Korean. She felt very shocked and horrified. When my Korean friend told me that story, I felt very ashamed and angry.
Read More »台灣人要反什麼? What is Taiwanese antipathy?

New members in my family

There are two new members joining my big family recently. One is my cousin’s daughter, Emma Jade Gould, born on September 28 in England. Her father is British. The other is my sister’s son, whose name has not be given yet. He was born on October 7 in Taipei. I play with him everyday now.Read More »New members in my family

I need a good luck

Last week really wasn’t my week. My car got towed; my digital camera was broken; I got a ticket for exceeding speed limit in Yamingshan. That’s how my summer ended.Read More »I need a good luck

Dalai Lama’s talk with Paul Cardinal Shan Kuo-Shi

Dalai Lama is having a talk with Paul Cardinal Shan Kuo-Shi this morning at a dinning room on the ninth floor of Kaohsiung Arena. I set my alarm at 5:30am today but woke up at 6:30am. When I arrived at Kaohsiung Arena around 7am, the line was very long already. The tickets started to be given away from 7:30am, and it’s immediately out of ticket after 15 minutes, right at the 15th before me.Read More »Dalai Lama’s talk with Paul Cardinal Shan Kuo-Shi

When will Taiwan move on?

The disasters caused by Typhoon Morakto on August 8th in Taiwan shocked the whole world. Many people lost their families and properties. More than 500 people died. It’s the biggest catastrophe in Taiwan’s history. The amount of death could be reduced if the government were alert to the warning in advance.Read More »When will Taiwan move on?